A tragic incident in Defiance, Missouri, took the lives of two young brothers, Julian Keiser, 4, and Jamison Keiser, 6, when their home exploded and caught fire. The boys were at home after school was canceled due to extreme weather. Despite efforts by firefighters and neighbors, the boys were unable to be saved.
Their mother, Evelyn Turpiano, and grandparents managed to escape. Neighbor Sharon Oberlag described the boys as “the nicest little boys” who loved school. The cause of the explosion is under investigation.
The Hoffmann Family of Companies, which owned the house, expressed support for the grieving family. Community member Dan Tripp launched a GoFundMe, raising over $145,000 to help with funeral costs and rebuilding. The statement from the campaign highlighted the boys’ joyful spirits and the deep loss felt by all who knew them.
Neighbor Laura Emerson left a Christmas wreath at the site, saying, “They were loved.” The family faces not only the emotional burden of losing two cherished children but also the challenge of rebuilding their lives.